Heat Resistant Conveyor belt for High-heat applications

Are you looking for the leading Heat Resistant conveyor Belt Suppliers in India ? If yes, you are here at the right place. To those unknown, we would like to mention here that Heat Resistant Conveyor belts are designed using heat-resistant premium-quality rubber to offer resistance to heat. These conveyor belts, as the name suggests, are mainly intended for Industries involved in high-temperature applications. Industries with project area temperature over 80°C prefer Heat Resistant Conveyor Belt over others. These Heat Resistant Conveyor Belt offer resistance not only to heat but also to oil and minerals. Heat Resistant Conveyor Belt Manufacturers in India manufacture these belts using raw materials, ensuring higher durability. Basically, there are three grades of these conveyor belts: 1. HR(T1) Grade –this grade is applicable in areas where continuous Temperature of up to 125 degrees cen...